3 Year Nursery

Welcome to 3 Year Nursery

Welcome to 3 Year Nursery!

Our 3 Year Nursery pupils enjoy learning more about the world we live in. The 3 Year Nursery curriculum covers a range of topics including: All about Me, Colour, Traditional Tales, Animals and their babies, Growing and Changing, and Journeys. Our learning is driven by a range of high-quality texts, such as ‘Brown Bear, Brown Bear, what do you see?’ and ‘Duck in the Truck’ texts by key children’s authors such as Eric Carle and Jez Alborough. Learning is reflected through a well-planned purposeful environment, that provides enriching learning opportunities for children to embed the skills they have been taught.

Autumn 1

Main Text

Nursery Rhymes

Topic: All about me

Our 3 Year Nursery pupils begin the year with a topic on All About Me, learning about themselves and starting nursery. We learn about the new journey they have embarked on, and which people can help them at school. We talk about family, friends and the community. We have a visit from the school nurse and first aider.

As part of the topic, we learn about different emotions and how they can make us feel and act. We do this through the stories of Pip and Posy. Children learn to name emotions, talking about how they make you feel and act.

Autumn 2

Main Text

Brown Bear, Brown Bear, What do you see? by Bill Martin Jr

Topic: Colour

During this topic we focus on colours. We look at the different colour animals in the story Brown Bear, Brown Bear, we learn and name all the animals from the story and learn about their habitats. We also look at different types of animals, starting with pets and farm animals and then look at wild animals.

As part of the topic, we explore the season of Autumn and the natural colours in the environment around us. We visit the school woodlands on a weekly basis to look at different colour leaves, explore the different trees in the woodlands, create nature pictures and learn all about the season Autumn.

Spring 1

Main Text

Billy Goats Gruff

Topic: Traditional Tales

In our Traditional Tales topic, we deepen our understanding of emotions. We explore how different characters might be feeling at different points of the story. We learn about prepositional language such as, on, in and under and move characters from the story into different places e.g. the troll hides ‘under’ the bridge.

During this half term, we allow the woodlands to rest, and we take up baking in nursery. We use a range of different ingredients and make many scrumptious treats. We take inspiration from the different traditional tales we read such as, ‘the Gingerbread Man.’

Spring 2

Main Text

The Very Hungry Caterpillar by Eric Carle

Topic: Animals and their babies

This half term we learn about animals and their babies. We start with the story of the Very Hungry Caterpillar and even get our very own caterpillars in school to learn and watch the life cycle of a caterpillar, before setting the butterflies free into the nursery garden. We then explore the human life cycle and look at the different stages we will go through during our lives.

As the seasons change from winter to spring, we begin our weekly woodland visits, exploring the natural world around us, looking at different types of trees, listening out for birds and early signs of spring.

Summer 1

Main Text

Jasper’s Beanstalk by Nick Butterworth and Mick Inkpen

Topic: Growing and changing

Our Growing and Changing topic further develops the children’s knowledge and understanding of life cycles. During this topic, children learn what a seed and plant needs to grow. We enter the Yorkshire Show as part of our topic and plant a wide variety of fruits, vegetables and flowers in the nursery garden. This topic encourages hands on learning, where children plant, water and nurture each seed and plant and see what happens as they grow.

Summer 2


Duck in the Truck by Jez Alborough

Topic: Journeys

In our final term in 3 Year Nursery, we focus on Journeys. The main story we will focus on is Duck in the Truck. We will explore and learn about different vehicles we can travel in to go on a journey. We will get creative and make vehicles using different media and materials in nursery. During our weekly woodland sessions, we will create vehicles using natural materials.

During our final journey in 3 Year Nursery we will discuss our journey into next phase of school life. We will talk about transition into Reception, meet new teachers and say farewell to some friends who may be going to different schools or staying in nursery for another year.