GLEE – Monday 14th October
We can’t wait to see you on Monday morning. Come and find out about the things we’re working on this year AND see your children learning in their classroom. We hope you can join us from 8.30a.m in the main…
We can’t wait to see you on Monday morning. Come and find out about the things we’re working on this year AND see your children learning in their classroom. We hope you can join us from 8.30a.m in the main…
At Beckfoot Heaton we work together so that every child achieves a great life. Don’t miss this opportunity to meet your child’s teacher and find out about how your child has settled into their new year group. Let’s share aspirations…
We would appreciate all Year 6 families joining us as we congratulate every year 6 child as they move onto the next stage of their education journey. As well as hearing from a guest speaker, every child will be acknowledged…
After popular demand we opened sports week to families. Our classes enjoyed showing off their sporting skills, thank you for supporting them.
On Thursday 4th July, families came to marvel at the work their children had produced this year – it boosted their confidence for next year and they were congratulated on the clear progress that was seen in their books. Our…