This is a lovely story
On Thursday afternoon, Mihaj was joined by his mum and dad as they planted a tree in our school grounds. This isn’t any old tree though… this is a tree that Mihaj has grown from a chestnut when he was…
On Thursday afternoon, Mihaj was joined by his mum and dad as they planted a tree in our school grounds. This isn’t any old tree though… this is a tree that Mihaj has grown from a chestnut when he was…
2YN #34 woodland wandering This week the children in 2 year nursery have explored the woodland, looking carefully at the environment and how it has changed from Winter. We began to look for early signs of spring looking for snowdrops,…
3YN #20 mini artist This week the children have the explored printing with sponges to create different pictures. Some children used the sponges to make a caterpillar. To support fine motor development this week children have been using split pins…
YR #19 Growing, little people, plants and things. This week in Reception children have been diving deeper into our ‘Growth’ topic. Children have been learning about the importance of seeds and how they grow into plants that produce flowers, fruits,…
Another great week with highlights that included: making a stylised collage map of our local area, enjoying the wonderful sunshine as we played with our friends at break times, writing ‘and’ sentences about animals making a lot of noise on…
This week Year 2 children worked very hard in Maths. Their number fact skills have been tested when adding and subtracting with the exchange. They were challenged to lay it out well and show their calculation process pictorially. In English,…
Year 3 have been amazing. They have written their own invention stories using a character flaw toolkit and have included speech in their work. They are working hard to present their work neatly using cursive writing. In maths, Year 3…
Year 4 have continued to learn about animals this week in Science lessons, thinking about classification, habitats and food chains. Classes have been visiting our woodlands, exploring this space as a habitat for many creatures. Year 4 are also enjoying…
Year 5 thoroughly enjoyed another Tech We Can session this week, learning about technology; the instructor said our Year 5 pupils were a pleasure to teach! Year 5 have also continued to learn about Space; they have learnt about Neil…
Year 6 have enjoyed writing their own versions of the Trojan Horse narrative this week; they have thought really carefully abut the character’s viewpoint they are portraying and have used carefully chosen vocabulary to help the reader visualise the story…
This week the children in 2 year nursery have focused on naming the different animals from the story the story Where’s Spot? by Eric Hill. The children then enjoyed finding and matching the small world animals to the animals in…
This week the children in 3 Year Nursery have continued to develop their knowledge through the story of the Hungry Caterpillar. This week the children have been taught to use Makaton signs to sign the days of the week and…
This week in Reception children have developed their knowledge and understanding further through their growth topic. Children have been learning about the parts of a plant and what a plants need to grow. Children have been planting their own seeds…
Another great week of learning in Year 1. Our journey recount writing work was inspired by a new walk – this time not around the local area but around our school woodland. This lead to continued geography learning about human…
This week, Year 2 children have been working very hard on their special place stories as they added detail to their rescue stories of Bradford. They used their knowledge of Bradford City landmarks to write exciting pieces whilst using conjunctions…
Year 3 have had an interesting week using maps to compare the climate in Egypt and how it differs from the UK. In literacy, pupils have worked hard to write paragraphs for our innovated story about an Egyptian Pharaoh using…
Year 4 have started to take part in their Habitats sessions in our woodlands, identifying creatures and thinking about food chains. Year 4 have also begun their visits to Belle Vue Girls’ school to enjoy STEM activities exploring food. Year…
Year 6 have enjoyed painting their clay medallions this week in metallic paint and continuing to sketch mythical Greek creatures and figures. Year 6 are learning about the Trojan Horse narrative, set in Troy. Year 6 will be choosing their…
Year 5 thoroughly enjoyed a lesson with the astronaut Tim Peak on Monday, looking at space exploration and life on the International Space Station. They have begun to look at space exploration in history, why we have endeavored to explore…
Year 6 have enjoyed a brilliant start to their new topic learning about the Ancient Greeks. Year 6 have visited our woodland and joined a warrior school, created clay medallions and built miniature Trojan horses. In English Year 6 have…
Year 5 thoroughly enjoyed their visits to Cartwright Hall where they took part in Early Islamic Civilisation workshops; this year there was a special exhibition showcasing some amazing artefacts. Year 5 have also completed their cinquain poetry and have begun…
Year 4 have thoroughly enjoyed World Book week! Pupils came dressed in amazing characters on Thursday; Year 4 have created Top Trumps cards with book characters, they have taken part in a live World Book Day lesson with an author,…
What an exciting book week! Year 3 showed their love of reading by sharing their reading books with Reception class children, talking about what has happened so far and explaining why they are enjoying reading the book they have chosen. …
In Year 2 we have had the best week building up to the World Book Day! The children participated in a reading-related activity every day. They were using oracy skills to describe their favourite characters to play in a Character…
A busy week has been had in Y1. There has been World Book Day learning, remote controlled Beebot computing lessons and our local area walk for our Topic and Literacy learning. For World Book Day we enjoyed sharing a book…
Wow, what an exciting week! It has been a week of celebrations in 2YN this week. The children have enjoyed making pancakes for Pancake Day. They did an amazing job at mixing all the ingredients together and particularly enjoyed eating…
This week 3YN have really enjoyed the story of the Hungry Caterpillar and have enjoyed many different activities linked to their new story. We have had some new arrivals in the form of some very tiny caterpillars. The children are…
This week in Reception children have enjoyed engaging with different stories and developing their love of reading. We have dressed up on World book day as our favourite characters and enjoyed reading with families. We have talked about our favourite…
The smell was delicious as the Elm class bakers set to work. So much learning, so much focus and so much enjoyment. Well done Elm class – what’s on the menu this week?
No time was wasted in Y1 as on the very first day children were excited to learn about different animals during a hands on animal session with Zoolab. Amongst a number of creatures, children held a snake, held giant snails…
The children in Year 2 were immersed in their learning straight away after coming back from the break. They were reminded how important it is to read daily to improve fluency. In Maths, we are learning to find a fraction…
Year 3 have had an amazing start to the half term learning about Egypt and where it is in the world. In literacy pupils have written haiku poems about Pharaohs and have had fun counting out syllables in words! In…
Year 4 have had an amazing week which started with a magical visit from Zoo Lab. Pupils enjoyed seeing creatures and thinking about what makes each one unique. Year 4 will be exploring classification and habitats in Science lessons and…
Year 5 have started their Space Exploration topic; pupils are learning about the history of space exploration in their topic lessons. Pupils have started to read their new class novel, The Jamie Drake Equation, they are excited to learn what…
Year 6 have taken part in mock SATs week this week; practicing papers will really support pupils with their test technique and show teachers what they need to teach. Pupils have shown great resilience throughout the week and have all…
Children in the Reception classes are getting so good at working as a team. Learning how to communicate, share ideas and get the job done!
What a great week of learning in Year 1. Pupils have created fantastic information booklets about meerkats based on similar sentences from the elephant text map they had learnt last week. Pupils also enjoyed thinking about different materials and which…
This week, Year 2 students enjoyed a series of hands-on Design and Technology lessons focused on healthy food and food preparation. They learned how to safely peel and cut fruit for eating and had the chance to get creative by…
This week Year 3 have planned and written an instructional text on ‘How to care for a Stone Age animal.’ They effectively used toolkit features such as time adverbials, imperative verbs and hints and tips to write a great set…
Year 4 have thoroughly enjoyed completing their dragon art this week, designing their own monster and using water colour paints to add colour and detail, they are stunning! Year 4 have also enjoyed a zoom call meeting their linking school’s…
Year 5 thoroughly enjoyed showing what they have been learning this half term in the Year group assembly; pupils showed dance and singing skills and thought carefully about their performance voices when speaking aloud – fantastic effort from everyone! Next…
Year 6 have enjoyed completing their survival guides this week in English lessons, using persuasive, informative and instructive toolkits, showing what they have learnt in their World War 2 topic this half term. In Science lessons Year 6 have been…
Children were inspired by Steve Cunningham this week – the man who taught the children that losing his eyesight as a child changed his direction in life but allowed him to excel in things he never knew he could. The…
After watching the Place2Be assembly for Children’s Mental Health Week, every class from Year 1 to Year 6 debated what they believe to be the most important reason that all people should be respected and valued regardless of any differences…
Amelia, our Pupil Leader who is determined to help children LOVE vegetables, met with Natalie, our kitchen manager to plan the next menu. Tasty choices are on their way!
Bradford’s Road Safety team have been very welcomed to school this week to help make sure that all children know how to keep themselves safe near and on roads. Our school is on a very busy main road and we…
This week children in Reception have been focusing on further developing their gross motor skills outdoors. They have been using large building materials such as crates, wooden poles, tarpaulin, and other resources to build dens, caves, tractors, and boats! Children…
In Literacy we are writing information sentences about the biggest savannah dwelling mammal – elephants. And in Maths we continue to explore numbers to 50 thinking about groups of tens and then then loose ones. During art we finished fantastic…
What a week we have had in Year 2! We kicked it off with an effective glitter experiment to represent germs around us and teach us how to wash our hands and keep us healthy. Later in the week, we…
Year 3 have had a great week! This week we listened to the life story of Steve Cunningham who inspired us to work towards our aspirations reflecting on our vision boards from last week. In literacy we are learning about…
Year 4 have begun to learn about water colour painting, adding colour to their dragon sketches. They are starting to complete their final dragon sketches and will use water colour paints to complete their pieces next week. Year 4 have…
This week Year 5 really enjoyed their Great Opportunity sessions; pupils have been practicing their sewing skills and are creating beautiful space scenes, which will inspire their new topic next half term all about space. Pupils are also learning about…
What a super learning week Year 6 have had! Year 6 have been planning and starting to write their survival guides in English lessons, using persuasive, informative and instructive toolkit features; we can’t wait to see them finished next week!…
This week we have been celebrating the Lunar new year. We’ve had different activities linking to the year of the snake. The children have been paining snakes in red paint, as the colour is seen as lucky. We have also…
This week children in Reception have been focusing on numbers 6-10. During maths lessons they have been practising counting out correct amounts using one to one correspondence. They have been taught to count reliably by counting slowly and carefully whilst…
Children in Year 1 have had a busy week including colour mixing to paint a hot country sunset, learning about mammals, finding missing number in maths equations and learning about Kindness through a special workshop. In Literacy children have loved…
In Year 2, it was all about monsters this week. We planned our English stories using complex grammar, such as comma lists and sentences with the conjunction ‘but’. The children used noun phrases and interesting synonyms to make their writing…
Year 3 have had a very busy week! In Science, they used chocolate to understand how sedimentary, igneous and metamorphic rocks are formed. As well as explaining their learning to their partner they also enjoyed eating the chocolate after their…
Year 4 have really enjoyed learning about the Sikh faith with a visitor to school; pupils learnt about where Sikhs practice their faith and asked many thoughtful questions. In Maths Year 4 are learning about fractions, starting the week visualising…
Year 5 have really enjoyed their ‘Tech We Can’ sessions this week, learning about coding, programming a dice linked to space technology. Year 5 have also been continuing to learn about Islamic artwork linked to patterns, they will be creating…
Year 6 have enjoyed meeting Diane this week; Diane shared her father’s story about escaping Hitler’s Nazi party on the Kindertransport during WW2. Year 6 then wrote diary extracts as if they had escaped, capturing character thoughts and feelings. Year…
Why aren’t you taking up your free school meal?Nationally and regionally, between 20-25% of eligiblechildren do not take up their entitlement to boththe UIFSM KS1 (Universal Infant Free SchoolMeals) and the FSM (Free School Meals)schemes. FM Catering are looking to…
On Thursday, as part of our Aspiration week activities, we welcomed 7 guests so that year 5 and 6 children could play detectives and try and decipher their jobs. There was a midwife, a Job Centre work consultant, an optometrist,…
We very rarely chase awards as we just want to concentrate on doing a GREAT job every single day so that EVERY single one of our children achieve a GREAT LIFE. However, we are VERY proud to receive this…
It really is magical. The bus is magical. The storytelling is magical. Reception and Year 1 classes were mesmerised when listening to a brilliant Aspiration story – if you haven’t read it, you MUST! Never Show A T-Rex A Book…
Year 6 have enjoyed aspiration week this week, thinking about their futures. Year 6, along with the whole school, created vision boards thinking about their aspirational careers, places they’d like to visit and their dreams. Year 6 have also been…
Year 5 have really enjoyed aspiration week. Year 5 took part in a ‘Guess my job’ assembly where pupils had to guess occupations using a number of answers to questions. They have also been watching videos about different jobs to…
Year 4 have really enjoyed learning about Digital Skills through workshops in class, looking at how we use technology and about safety – thank you Quickline for your help. Year 4 have continued to sketch dragons, looking at proportion and…
Year 3 have enjoyed Aspiration week, thinking carefully about their futures and the skills they would need in different occupations. This week Year 3 acted as Hunter Gatherers on their Stone Age Day in the woodlands, learning about how people…
The Year 2 children started this special week by listening to an inspirational guest who launched our Aspiration Week. They had an opportunity to visualise their futures and discuss what they wanted in life and what milestones they needed to…
What a busy and inspiring week for Year 1 pupils. Testament, who was an amazing beat boxer, kicked off our Aspirations Week (looking to our future goals and jobs). Since then we have made vision boards, visited the Stories Yellow…
This week as it is Aspiration week, Reception children have been learning about people who help us and thinking about what job they might like to do when they are older. We have also been creating vision boards and thinking…
Thank goodness that the ice and snow cleared to get back to Active Playgrounds! The joy was clear to see.
Last week was such an unusual weather week and when we re-opened it was just lovely to see everyone. THANK YOU for your support and your commitment – I know it was challenging when the school was closed and also…
We would like to welcome all our children back to 2 Year nursery, and a special Heaton welcome to all our new children who have started this week. We had a very cold start to the half term, and it…
We would like to welcome all our children back to 3 Year nursery, and a special Heaton welcome to all our new children who have started this week. We had a very cold start to the half term, and it…
This week in Reception children have started a new element as part of their morning routine. Children arrive at school and enter classrooms at 08:25. After putting away their belongings they access their group and complete their morning task until…
In contrast to the chilly weather Year 1 pupils started our new story called Handa’s Surprise which is set in a hot part of the Africa continent. Children have been excited by the different animals in the story. And even…
We welcomed our excited Year 2 children back after the holiday and the snowdays! They quickly got involved in learning how to make arrays in Maths which is a fundamental skill used to understand how multiplication works. In English, they…
This week, Year 3 children enjoyed the launch of the Stone Age topic which has sparked their curiosity to find out more! In literacy, they have been learning a portal story where the main character goes through a portal and…
Year 4 have begun to look at Dragonory, their new unit of learning based upon a fabulous story. Pupils have been sketching dragons in art, thinking about the different features. Look at this beautiful artwork which was created as part…
This week Year 5 have begun to learn about their new topic, the Early Islamic Civilisation. They have created timelines showing key events in history and looked at maps to show the location of the spread of early Islam. Pupils…
What a fantastic week Year 6 have had! Year 6 have begun their new learning about World War 2. Pupils have retrieved their knowledge about WW1 and considered the causes of another war. Pupils have learnt about the Battle of…
Will your child be crowned the year group winner in our Great Family Fact Sheet Quiz? The family fact sheets from this term can be found here : Year 1 Autumn 2 Year 1 Autumn 1 Year 2…
The beautiful christmas tree in our school hall looked better than ever before as it was proudly displaying decorations from our family homes. Whether hand-made or pre-made, the decorations represented our truly lovely school community – each and every one…
Every audience member felt lighter and happier after watching the wonderful performance in Year 1 and 2 this week – a performance sharing the festivals happening at this special time – Diwali, Hannukah and Christmas – all with light in…
This week 2 year nursery have been feeling extremely festive. They have been learning lots of Christmas songs and nursery rhymes such as ‘Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star’. This week children have been making star salt dough decorations to take home…
This week 3 year nursery have had a very busy week with lots of festive activities. They started the week off by welcoming families into Nursery for their Winter Sparkle event. We were so proud of all the children for…
This week in Reception children have been very busy, they loved performing for families on Monday during our Reception Sparkle event. Children performed winter and Christmas songs and then spent the afternoon engaging in different activities. Some of these included…
What a wonderful week it has been! During our Performance of Light, every child went up onto our stage and performed in front of hundreds of pupils and parents. They demonstrated superb acting and singing skills making themselves and us…
This week Year 2 children were very excited to present their Performance of Light. They showcased their best drama skills and performance voices in front of their families, and they made everyone incredibly proud. In Maths the children were introduced…
This week Year 3 created Menorahs whilst learning about the Jewish festival called Hannukah. In literacy pupils have written an amazing newspaper report based on a mystery metal monster causing havoc! In geography children have been learning about climate zones.…
Year 4 have really enjoyed their final week this half term, they have returned to their classroom communities following Big Teaching during swimming and have completed their character flaw narratives beautifully. Year 4 have enjoyed a woodland session as a…
Year 5 have really enjoyed their unit about the Anglo Saxons and the Vikings; this week they have finished their unit by writing a non-chronological report and completing their final monster sketches. Year 5 are very much looking forward to…
Year 6 have really enjoyed their World War 1 unit this half term. This week pupils have created iMovie clips using the drama footage from our woodland sessions last week. Pupils have cut scenes, altered colour, added captions and voice…
Year 6 have enjoyed completing their Christmas Day Truce scenes in art, focusing on sketching in proportion and using water colour paints; their final pieces will be coming home next week and I’m certain families will treasure them! Pine and…
Year 5 have really enjoyed learning about migration to write their non-chronological reports. They have thought carefully about the toolkit features and about presenting their work for an audience. Year 5 are continuing to sketch features of their monsters in…
The majority of Year 4 have this week completed their swimming lessons, achieving the National Curriculum objectives – well done! We do have a few pupils swimming next week in catch-up sessions. Year 4 have enjoyed their lantern walks in…
Year 3 have had a fantastic week, listening to character views about the destruction caused by Iron Man and then writing this information into speech. In Maths, pupils have been using rulers to measure lines in both millimetres and centimetres,…
This week provided many practical learning opportunities for Year 2 students. They have been developing their skills in measurement to measure lines and objects around them. They were tasked with calculating the length of a mystery line when it was longer…