An exceptionally well-considered, highly motivational and inclusive curriculum
Our Curriculum
At Beckfoot Heaton we have a rich, relevant, broad and balanced curriculum that contributes to outstanding learning and prepares children for the changing world they live in. We provide a stimulating and coherent curriculum that is sequenced and knowledge rich to ensure significant growth in pupils’ knowledge and skills. We have organised our curriculum into topics to enable meaningful links between subjects in order to deepen children’s understanding of what they are learning. Links are always purposeful and build on cultural, procedural and conceptual knowledge. We use our school site to its full potential including our forest area.
What we teach each year
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At Beckfoot Heaton we follow the Talk for Writing approach which enables children to read and write independently for a variety of audiences and purposes within different subjects. A key feature is that pupils internalise the language structures needed to write. The approach moves from dependence towards independence, with the teacher using shared and guided teaching to develop the ability in pupils to write creatively and powerfully. Our Talk for Writing units are based on high quality texts and closely linked to our topics to empower pupils to utilise rich vocabulary and apply background knowledge to enhance their writing. A love of reading is promoted through a core reading spine of quality fiction, poetry and non-fiction that all children experience and draw upon.

At Beckfoot Heaton, we value reading as a key life skill, and are dedicated to enabling our pupils to become lifelong readers. We believe reading is key a factor in contributing to a great life. We understand that reading has many components, therefore teach reading in a variety of ways.

At Beckfoot Heaton, we follow the Mathematics Mastery programme, which is a resourced curriculum. Our Maths teaching and the Mathematics Mastery approach is underpinned by the dimensions of depth, which together enable all pupils to develop a deep understanding of the mathematics they are learning. There are three key principles to ensure depth and therefore mastery: conceptual understanding, language and communication and mathematical thinking. Our maths teaching follows these principles as we ensure we use manipulatives, a range of representations and make connections, we use daily talk tasks in maths and a range of tasks for pupils to demonstrate their thinking and understanding. As well as daily maths lessons, we also have maths meetings which enable maths learning to be revisited regularly to build fluency.

At Beckfoot Heaton Primary School we believe that a high-quality science curriculum is fundamental in providing a foundation for our pupils to understand the world around them. We teach the National Curriculum units of study supported by the Primary Knowledge Curriculum. Each unit of study has a knowledge organizer clearly showing the key knowledge pupils will be taught. Through our science teaching we promote critical thinking and problem solving, we encourage pupils to ask questions and explore. We use our outdoor learning spaces, including our forest area, to support pupil understanding.

At Beckfoot Heaton Primary School we teach a progressive art curriculum that introduces pupils to a range of artists, design techniques and materials. We believe that pupils should be taught how to use materials so that they can express themselves through art and improve their mastery. We introduce pupils to a range of diverse artists and pieces to inspire them; we teach techniques and provide opportunities for pupils to show individuality and express themselves. Our teaching of art is embedded within our topic teaching.

At Beckfoot Heaton Primary School we teach pupils technical knowledge as part of our design technology curriculum; we provide pupils with the opportunity to design, make and evaluate a number of pieces each year. We use our outdoor learning spaces, including our forest area, to support pupil understanding. Our teaching of design and technology is embedded within our topic teaching; we make meaningful links across subjects to allow pupils greater understanding. In addition, we teach a range of STEM experiences across school.

At Beckfoot Heaton Primary School we believe that teaching pupils to use technology in a safe manner is essential in our technology-driven world. We teach pupils key computing skills alongside the National Curriculum objectives; we have class sets of iPads which are timetabled to support pupils; our Year 6 pupils have access to an individual iPad to support them daily. We follow the National Centre for Computing Education program, teaching the NC across school in computing lessons linked to our topics. Each year group has a Sway page which can be accessed from our website for home learning. We teach internet safety lessons through the Evolve Project.

Our geography curriculum helps pupils build up a knowledge of the world. Through our carefully sequenced curriculum, pupils build knowledge over time, knowing more and remembering more as they work through the curriculum. We start with local and familiar areas and then extend out into the world across year groups. Conceptual understanding is at the heart of our curriculum and pupils will learn about key geographical concepts including place, the environment and how the world around them is connected. Through our topics, pupils will have many opportunities to make interesting and complex connections between what they study in geography and other subjects such as history and science. Our approach to the primary geography curriculum supports pupils to understand the world around them, to think deeply about global issues and to develop their own sense of identity; knowing who they are and equipping them to make a positive difference to the world.

Our history curriculum allows pupils to develop a chronologically secure knowledge and understanding of local, British and world history. The knowledge in the curriculum has been carefully chosen to represent the diversity of our society, through the mix of images, texts and people studied, and also to reflect the ancestral history of pupils in our school in a progressive and age appropriate way. Our curriculum is balanced to enable pupils to look in some depth at local, national and world history, encouraging pupils to explore the connection between significant events and people and how they have influenced the modern world. We address bias or stereotypes and support pupils in their own critical thinking.

At Beckfoot Heaton Primary School we teach French as a modern foreign language across KS2. We believe that learning a language provides an opportunity for our pupils to communicate more effectively with others, learning a language also helps our pupils to understand what it is to be a global citizen. By teaching French, we are also preparing pupils for KS3. We teach French through the Language Angels site; this ensures progression of skills through KS2 and allows pupils to hear a French accent to support pronunciation.

At Beckfoot Heaton Primary School we believe that pupils should be taught to develop understanding, listen to, evaluate and play music using a range of instruments. We teach our music curriculum through the Charanga music site, ensuring pupils are taught a progressive music curriculum where pupils develop their confidence and control. We have a number of musical instruments at Beckfoot Heaton Primary School, which are embedded within our music curriculum. Pupils experience a weekly music assembly and a weekly music lesson across school; performances are planned throughout the year for pupils to perform what they have learnt. Bradford music teachers also support our delivery of Ukelele teaching across KS2. As part of our Great Opportunity sessions, pupils also experience additional sessions in music.

At Beckfoot Heaton we value physical activity. Through teaching physical education pupils at Beckfoot Heaton Primary School develop their confidence across a broad range of sports, experiencing competitive sports and activities and helping pupils to lead healthy, active lives. We have mapped out each key area across school, we ensure that our equipment is of a high standard, and we use our 3 sports halls and outdoor learning spaces to support all our pupils. We provide swimming lessons for our Year 4 pupils with an on-site portable hired pool, allowing pupils to meet their National Curriculum expectation without losing travel time. Our physical education teaching is also supported by our Great Opportunity sessions (including a cycling programme, taekwondo and orienteering), as well as our outdoor play and active learning approach.

At Beckfoot Heaton Primary School we teach a well-structured progressive PSHE curriculum so that pupils learn about their health, wellbeing and relationships. We teach our PSHE lessons through My Happy Mind and the Story Project. My Happy Mind introduces pupils to their mind, teaches them strategies to manage emotions and build positive relationships; equipping them to thrive in the modern world. The Story Project uses the magic of children’s stories to inspire lifelong wellbeing, covering the National Curriculum objectives for PSHE. We also use materials designed by the NHS to teach puberty in KS2. Our additional Safety Curriculum teaches pupils how to be safe online, when they are in particular environments and with specific equipment. We use Pol Ed, Project Evolve, St Johns Ambulance, and the Jigsaw site to support our teaching. We also have planned visitors throughout the year to support pupil understanding.

At Beckfoot Heaton Primary School we believe that teaching religious education helps our pupils to respect others and gain a broader understanding of views and beliefs, improve their knowledge of global affairs, develop a stronger sense of wellbeing, ethical standards and personal happiness and helps society to avoid extremism and religious discrimination. Our RE helps to develop spiritual understanding and gives students valuable insights into the diverse beliefs and opinions held by people today. We follow the Bradford approved scheme Believing and Belonging; and we have mapped out visits to places of worship across school. During our collective worship assemblies we recognise festivals across faiths.