Home Learning

At Beckfoot Heaton Primary we believe children will be more successful when home and school work together.

Watch the video below to hear from our Deputy Head, as she takes you through our different home learning apps and the other resources available for you and your child at home whether they are off school poorly or you want to do some additional learning together.


At Beckfoot Heaton we provide homework to enable children to practice their learning from school in their home environment. Homework tasks provide children with the opportunity to revisit school learning to help them know more and remember more. Reading is a key part of homework, research shows that children who have a reading age that matches their chronological age are more likely to achieve well in school. As children progress through school, homework expectations increase; this prepares our Year 6 children for secondary school.

Maths Basic Skills

As part of our Maths Mastery resourced curriculum, we deliver regular Maths Meetings. Please use these Maths prompt sheets to help your child practise the basic skills needed for their year group.  In Key Stage 2 children will be sent home with a weekly Maths basic skills practise sheet, the matching prompt sheet should be used to support your child to correct any mistakes.

Family Fact Sheet

Each half term your child will be sent home with a Family Fact Sheet, they include the key knowledge that your child will be learning as part of their topic work. Please share the Family Fact Sheet at home and help your child to remember more and know more about their topic.

Please use the buttons below to find the family fact sheet for your childs year group for the upcoming half term.

Learning Apps

We use a range of Learning Apps in school, which can also be accessed at home. Please use the links below to practice key skills.


