Baby bear travels to the moon in Reception

This week the Reception children have embarked on their first full week in school. The children have been excited to learn about Space through the Story ‘Whatever Next.’ The children are becoming familiar with the story and the characters. Lots…

3 year Nursery are superstars

Just WOW! This week has been the first full week for children who have started in 3 Year Nursery. We are amazed at how well the children are settling into nursery life. This week children have been learning the nursery…

Settling in beautifully in 2 year Nursery

This week we have welcomed new children and families into the 2 Year Nursery setting. We look forward to working in partnership with families to give our youngest children in school the best possible start on their journey through education.…

The earth’s crust…how exciting Year 4

Year 5 have had a great start to the year! Year 5 have enjoyed starting their learning about natural disasters, they have looked at the Earth’s crust, how mountains are formed and located mountains on a map of the world.…

Year 6 – what a start!

What a fabulous start to the year Year 6 have had! Year 6 have started to read their new class novel, Room 13, about a girl called Fliss who takes a school trip to Whitby. Year 6 are very excited…

myHappymind – we are accredited!

We are proud to announce that we are a myHappymind Bronze Accredited school! This means that as a school we consider the mental health and wellbeing of our children as one of our top priorities. We have created a whole…

Team Peace

The final amount is… £3129.98! The total raised by TeamPeace to support children in need of help across the world is £3129.98!  Incredible.  Some of this money was sent directly to families in Gaza and we are very grateful to…

Good Luck Mr Barnes!

Mr Barnes has a few more weeks of summer holiday work before he leaves us to start his well-earned retirement.  Children LOVED watching the jobs list video which is just never-ending for a colleague as great as Mr Barnes.  THANK…

Thank you assembly

A big thank you to all of our volunteers for making a positive difference to our school over this year – the commitment you have shown to our children is much appreciated.

New After School Care Club

Starting in September 2024! We are delighted to announce a partnership with KangaSports to deliver Ofsted registered after school care for families who need more than our school clubs. Please click on the link to book your spaces. Beckfoot Heaton…

Y6 Leavers’ Assembly – Wednesday 19th July 9am

We would appreciate all Year 6 families joining us as we congratulate every year 6 child as they move onto the next stage of their education journey. As well as hearing from a guest speaker, every child will be acknowledged…

Sports Week

After popular demand we opened sports week to families. Our classes enjoyed showing off their sporting skills, thank you for supporting them.

Open Evening Thursday 4th July

On Thursday 4th July, families came to marvel at the work their children had produced this year – it boosted their confidence for next year and they were congratulated on the clear progress that was seen in their books. Our…

GO sessions – what a great opportunity!

As we draw to the end of our first year of GO sessions, we are delighted with the extra opportunities this has brought. Concerned that some children couldn’t attend after school clubs due to other commitments, we lengthened the school…

Beckfoot Trust Primary School Spelling Bee Final

The atmosphere was competitive yet supportive, the families were sitting on the edge of their seat, the teachers were wracking their brains to construct exciting sentence examples, the children were… literally amazing! Every child who sat on that stage was…

Team Peace – putting our school vision to action

Thank you to everyone who supported our Year 6 changemakers, Team Peace on Saturday June 8th. The sun came out (nearly) and hundreds of you came together to have fun (and enjoy some delicious food) as a community for a…