News articles

This is a lovely story
On Thursday afternoon, Mihaj was joined by his mum and dad as they planted a tree in our school grounds. This isn’t any old tree though… this is a tree that Mihaj has grown from a chestnut when he was…

Woodland wonders and wanders
2YN #34 woodland wandering This week the children in 2 year nursery have explored the woodland, looking carefully at the environment and how it has changed from Winter. We began to look for early signs of spring looking for snowdrops,…

Caterpillars galore
3YN #20 mini artist This week the children have the explored printing with sponges to create different pictures. Some children used the sponges to make a caterpillar. To support fine motor development this week children have been using split pins…

Beckfoot Trust Recruitment Event – 3/4/2025
Begin Your Journey to Remarkable with Beckfoot Trust Are you passionate about making a difference in education? Join us at Beckfoot Oakbank on Thursday, 3rd April, from 5:00 – 7:00pm to discover the exciting opportunities available at Beckfoot Trust. Meet staff from across our Trust…

GLEE – Monday 14th October
We can’t wait to see you on Monday morning. Come and find out about the things we’re working on this year AND see your children learning in their classroom. We hope you can join us from 8.30a.m in the main…

GLUE – Great Life Update Evening
At Beckfoot Heaton we work together so that every child achieves a great life. Don’t miss this opportunity to meet your child’s teacher and find out about how your child has settled into their new year group. Let’s share aspirations…