Welcome to Year 2
Our Year 2 pupils enjoy learning more about the world we live in. The Year 2 curriculum covers a range of topics including World Explorers, The Great Fire of London and Near and Far, which compares Bradford and Karachi. We explore two locations, visiting Bradford; to see what amazing things our city has to offer and Flamborough; a coastal location, offering the opportunity to visit a lighthouse, birdwatch, rock pool, enjoy ice lollies, build sandcastles and even paddle in the sea. Our learning is driven by a range of high-quality texts, such as The Lighthouse Keeper’s Lunch and texts by key children’s authors such as Roald Dahl and David McKee. Our Year 2 pupils get the opportunity to showcase their developing creative talents with a performance at the end of the first term.

Mr Benn and the Red Knight by David McKee

Topic: World Explorers
Our Year 2 pupils begin the year with a topic on World Explorers, learning about explorers past and present and the geography of the places they visited, including a talk from real-life explorer Sarah Outen. We learn about how exploration has changed over time, the impact of early exploration and also find out about pirates! We take part in drama activities about pirates, including climbing the rigging. We use our scenes to inspire our own Mr Benn stories where he meets a pirate. During this topic we create self-portraits inspired by Mogdigliani, but with a pirate twist!

In our Science we learn about electricity; how circuits are made, how to stay safe with electricity and about renewable energy. We build lighthouses with a simple circuit to light a bulb with a switch.In our Science, we learn about the properties of different materials, completing investigations to find out about durability, flexibility and whether different materials are waterproof.

Main Text
The Minpins by Roald Dahl

Topic: The Great Fire of London
During this unit we focus on the key events surrounding the Great Fire of London. We learn about when the Great Fire of London happened, where the fire started and why it spread so quickly. We also learn about how firefighting has changed over time. Our pupils present their learning using Book Art skills, which are illustrated using pastel and charcoal scenes from our Art lessons. We read the Minpins by Roald Dahl and use this story to inspire the tales of rear we write where we escape from the Great Fire of London.

In our Science, we continue to learn about the properties of different materials, completing an investigation to find out which materials burn easily.

Main Text
Not Now Bernard by David McKee

Topic: Me and My City
During this unit our Year 2 pupils find out more about their local city, Bradford. We learn about the Geography of Bradford and how Bradford has changed over time. We take a trip to Bradford and enjoy a history trail, exploring key landmarks such as the Alhambra theatre, the Wool Exchange and the old Odeon Cinema building. We read Not Now Bernard by David McKee and use this story to inspire our own meeting tales about a monster that comes to Bradford. We also design and make vehicles that could be used to transport our monsters around our city.

In our Science, we learn about how to keep healthy; the importance of exercise, eating the right amounts of different types of food and hygiene. We also design and prepare fruit kebabs. We learn about the basic needs of animals, including humans, for survival: water, food and air.

Main Text
Most Magnificent Mosque by Ann Jungman

Topic: Near and Far
Our Near and Far unit builds on our learning about Bradford by comparing the geography of the city to Karachi in Pakistan. We learn about the physical and human features of Bradford and Karachi, then compare the similarities and differences. Our Year 2 pupils use digital media techniques to create landscapes inspired by Bradford artist David Hockney and Arif Ansari from Karachi. We read the Most Magnificent Mosque by Ann Jungman and use this story to inspire writing about saving special places in our local area.

Main Text
Fantastic Mr Fox by Roald Dahl

Topic: Fantastic Animals
This half term we learn about the habitats, life cycles and food chains of woodland animals which is the focus of our Science learning. Our Year 2 pupils design and make 2D animal glove puppets out of felt. Inspired by Fantastic Mr Fox by Roald Dahl and our Science learning we write stories about prey and predator woodland animals.

Main Text
The Lighthouse Keeper’s Rescue by Ronda and David Armitage

Topic: Flamborough
In our final term in Year 2 we continue our Science learning about habitats, life cycles and food chains, focusing on coastal animals. The unit begins with a trip to Flamborough where pupils explore the area and observe the local wildlife by birdwatching and rock-pooling. We also enjoy ice lollies, build sandcastles and even paddle in the sea! Our Year 2 pupils learn about the geography of Flamborough and how seaside locations have changed over time. Inspired by artwork from Eric Carle we create collages of coastal birds.